Your Certified in one minuteFrom 1975 to service peivati and companies and law firms.With VisurApp you can have at hand your source of information,D
Your Certified in one minute
From 1975 to service peivati and companies and law firms.
With VisurApp you can have at hand your source of information,
Depending on the requested service will find prices and timing. If the result is negative, you will be charged only the cost of the query of 1.00 euro only certified company registration. The other negative outcomes are free and will be repaid to the "full amount.
Official data of the Chamber of Commerce - Certified CHAMBER:
E 'can search the registry to find relevant data for an enterprise, certified company registration, financial statements, list members, investments, registered office, VAT, etc
Cadastral and land registry data mortgages or mortgages encumbering the same - VISURA CATASTALE
By name or by location of property you can search for land and buildings made payable to a person or know the holder of the same. E 'can also receive notes of conservatorship where are highlighted among other loans or mortgages encumbering the property. Visura also useful for calculating IMU
VISURA IMMOBILIARE (certified real estate):
And 'possible to request at once the cadastral including information regarding any weights or constraints on the property.
Know in advance if a customer has complained can avoid many problems of payments, the report that we put in the light of the protests and theeffect size. Research throughout Italy.
From this application you can carry out an investigation based on natural person to know at once the protests, prejudicial, Research Cadastral Offices and business; or if the request is made on a company can know the data chamber, bankruptcy, business offices, protests, list members, equity investments, research cadastral and budget.
Tracing DEBTOR: Locate the actual address of a debtor in order to notify the court documents
CARD PERSON AND COMPANY OFFICERS: provides a complete picture of the charges the company or equity interests in any company or companies
The convenience of receiving via e-mail registry certificates without long lines and without moving from the office to move in a town perhaps far.
By license plate number or a name you can know the owner of a vehicle or vehicles in his possession
other services are still available, please visit our website or our offices.These services are useful to individuals, companies and law firms to get information about debtors or suppliers, make small investigation to recover the debt.
From the moment the request is made the results are sent via e-mail within minutes. Prices include VAT and secure payments via PAYPAL. Invoice sent by mail within 24 hours